The Baltimore Consort

The Baltimore Consort

Founded in 1980 to perform the instrumental music of Shakespeare’s time, The Baltimore Consort has explored early English, Scottish, and French popular music, focusing on the relationship between folk and courtly art song, and dance. Their interest in early music of English/Scottish heritage has also led them to delve into the rich trove of traditional music preserved in North America. Seventeen recordings on the Dorian and Sono Luminus labels have earned them recognition as Top Classical-Crossover Artist of the Year (Billboard), as well as rave reviews elsewhere. Besides touring in the U.S. (all but two states) and abroad (Austria, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, and Scotland), they often perform on such syndicated radio broadcasts as St. Paul Sunday, Performance Today, Harmonia and the CBC’s OnStage. They have also enjoyed many teaching residencies at K-12 schools, as well as at the Madison Early Music Festival, and other university engagements.

Mary Anne Ballard: treble and bass viols

Mark Cudek: cittern, bass viol

Larry Lipkis: bass viol, recorders, crumhorn, gemshorn

Ronn McFarlane: lute

Mindy Rosenfeld: flutes, fifes, bagpipes, crumhorn

Danielle Svonavec: soprano

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