Kim Hoogvliet | soprano
Bert Haan | alto
Gert Verrydt | tenor
Boris Jansen | baritone

Since its creation in 2008, the SIRIUS SAXOPHONE QUARTET (Kim Hoogvliet, Bert Haan, Gert Verrydt and Boris Jansen) have concentrated on contemporary, mainly Dutch works for four saxophones. In order to bridge the distance between the listeners and the rather difficult music on their programs, the members of the SSQ often tell the audience about the background of what they are about to hear, sometimes through an anecdote concerning the circumstances in which a particular piece was conceived. They truly believe that, thanks to the players’ sustained enthusiasm and commitment to their chosen repertoire, contemporary music may be better accepted and understood by usually reluctant audiences. Workshops are an additional way for the SSQ to make younger players better acquainted with the sounds of our time, by studying and working together towards a joint performance of the selected compositions. After five years of intensive work, the SSQ decided to mark their fifth anniversary with a series of concerts, workshops and a documentary film, all leading to a CD- recording in which they could make full display of their musical and technical abili- ties, both individually and as an ensemble. For this ambitious project, which they called “Sirius 5.0”, they chose six works by Carlos Micháns, with whom the SSQ have been acquainted since the beginning. What attracted them to the music by Micháns was, besides its challenging technical aspects, the richness of expression, contrasting moods and rhythmical diversity, all of which have an immediate appeal to both players and listeners. According to the musicians themselves, “Micháns’ passion for music can be heard in each one of his works, which is greatly appreciated by the audience and often makes of a concert a memorable experience.” The (DVD) documentary film by Gijs and Leonard Besseling included in this album shows different aspects and stages of the preparations for the recording of this CD: rehearsals, dialogues with all players and with Carlos Micháns, as well the SSQ in concert. It is a valuable testimony of the enormous amount of work and effort invested in achieving the top-quality deserved by both the audience and the music itself.


Kim Hoogvliet (soprano) started playing the saxophone at an early age in her birthplace Numansdorp. She later took lessons from Tom de Vette at the Conservatory of Rotterdam and from Jean Pen- nings at Tilburg’s Fontys Conservatory. In 2004 and after reaching the semi-final at the “Princess Christina Competition”, she won the “WMC soloists competition” in the ‘top class’. Kim pursued her studies with Martijne Jansen-van Dijk and Ties Mellema and also attended master classes by renowned saxophonists, among which Jean-Marie-Londeix. She graduated from Tilburg in 2010 and, after continuing her studies with Arno Bornkamp in Amsterdam, she graduated “cum laude” in 2012. Kim plays a variety of saxo- phones, from the baritone to the sopranino. She has performed as a soloist with a number of ensembles and orchestras. At present, she plays soprano in the Sirius Saxophone Quartet.


Gert Verrydt (tenor) grew up in a musical family and began playing the saxophone at the age of 5. He had his first lessons from Chris- tine den Ouden at the Turnhout Music Academy (Belgium). At the same institution he also had percussion lessons from Dirk Dergent. A few years later he decided to concentrate on the saxophone. After leaving the Music Academy, Gert continued his studies in Tilburg (Holland), first with Jean Pennings and Martijne Jansen-van Dijk and later with Ties Mellema. He also followed master classes by several saxophonists of international reputation, such as Claude Delangle, Jean-Denis Michat, Vincent David, Jean-Marie Londeix and Arno Bornkamp. He recently graduated in conducting, an activity he al- ternates with playing the saxophone in different chamber music en- sembles, including the tenor in the Sirius Saxophone Quartet. Gert is a winner of the “Belfius Classics” award.

BERT HAAN l alto

Bert Haan (alto) studied saxophone at the Conservatory of Maas- tricht, where he obtained his “performing musician” diploma. He continued his studies in Utrecht with Norbert Nozy, André Hemmers and Ed Bogaard and attended master classes by François Daneels and Iwan Roth. Later he also took piano lessons from André Telder- man. For many years, Bert was a member of the “Koh-I-Noor Saxo- phone Quartet”, which specialized in contemporary music. With this group he gave countless concerts in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, England and Argentina where, in 1995, Koh-I-Noor gave the première of Carlos Micháns’ “Alternances” for saxophone quartet and strings, especially commissioned for the occasion by the “Orquesta de Cámara Mayo”. At the moment, Bert regularly per- forms in different chamber music settings and is the senior member of the Sirius Saxophone Quartet. Apart from teaching, he leads the saxophone ensemble of de “Nieuwe Veste” in Breda.

BORIS JANSEN l baritone

Boris Jansen (baritone) began his saxophone studies at the “ArtEZ Conservatorium” of Arnhem in 2001, although he had been playing in orchestras and ensembles from an early age. After a year of lessons from Adriaan Valk, much of whose music he also played, he continued his studies with Nicole Schillings and later with Ties Mellema. He also attended the 1st and 3rd international master classes for saxophonists held in Laubach. Arno Bornkamp, Vincent David, Jan Schulte-Bunert, Peter Weniger and Niels Bijl were among Boris’ teachers, as well as Johan van der Linden and Christer Johnsson (master classes). He has also graduated in conducting at the “ArtEZ Conservatorium” in Arnhem. Besides holding a teaching position at the “Oost-Gelderland Music School”, Boris plays in several regional orchestras and is the baritone of the Sirius Saxo- phone Quartet.

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