
The chamber group “GLIARCHIENSEMBLE®” borns in 2003. It consits of eleven elements: six violins, two violas, two cellos and one double-bass player.
Their collaboration with great soloists and conductors (as Boris Belkin, Gunter Neuhold, George Pehlivanian, Hubert Soudant etc.)and the experience on national and international musical stages allowed the ensemble to refine a wide repertory of high level.
In 2005 “GLIARCHIENSEMBLE®” records Antonio Vivaldi’s Concerto for four violins, strings and harpsichord, within the project “Il Legno Magico” conceived by the violinmaker Roberto Regazzi ata the “Teatro Massimo” in Palermo.
In the same year they performs at the International Bibliographical Music Museum in Bologna. In May 2005 they are invited to perform at the Grat Hall of Sidney’s Music Conservatory for the Sidney Italian Festival.
“Gliarchiensemble” return to Australia two years later performing at Sidney’s Verbugghen Hall and at the Wesley Uniting Churchof Canberra, in the occasion of the Italian Republic celebration.
In July 2007 the take part in the international Music Festival of Carthage performing in El Jem and Hammamet.
In 2007 they also open the first Musical season organized by the Italian National Television of Palermo. For which they regularly perform with ambitious programs broadcasted on the RAI International satellite channel.
In April 2008 they tour in Veneto (Villa Contarini, Auditorium G. Comisso, Teatro Sociale) In mArch 2009 “Gliarchiensemble” perform in Switzerland sponsored by the “Kultur Stiftung St. Martin Muri”. In Aprilof the same year they open the “First Festival of Chamber Music” in Marsala (Trapani – Italy). They will perform in China (August 2009) and in Venezuela (December 2009).
In 2010 “GliArchiEnsemble” were on tour in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay and then they performed at the “Cantiere Internationale D’Arte” in Montepulciano, Italy.
In 2011 a collaboration began between the Sicilian composer Mario Crispi and the Arenaria group, which performed in May at the caves of Frasassi (AN), and in July as part of the Circuit of Myth ( Sicily Region ) at the Cloister of San Francesco in Castelbuono, as well as on the premises of the Royal Borbonic Cellars in Partinico.
In August 2011 they performed at the St. Barnabas Amphitheatre in Valderice (TP) and at the Timoleontean Walls in Gela (CL), holding two concerts with music by Roberto Molinelli.

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