Anastasia Injushina

As artistic director of a festival and a frequent visitor at concerts I read a lot of artist biographies and CVs. Most of them start with phrases like ”praised by critics”, ”one of the most brilliant/interesting pianists/cellists/violinists of his/her generation”. Let’s do something different for a change. I would like to simply tell you who I am and you can make up your mind about the rest yourself.
I come from a Russian family of engineers. I probably wouldn’t even be a musician if I hadn’t heard a Dvorak violin concerto at the age of 3. I became obsessed with classical music. We were living in Brazil at the time, so my mother had to wait a couple of years before she could enroll me in a music school in the Soviet Union.
I have nothing to say about my studies. They were like those of any other young professional musician in the Soviet Union. After school I wanted to try something different from the standard way, which was studies at St. Petersburg conservatory school and then on to St. Petersburg State Conservatory. So I went to Finland. It was around the time when the Soviet Union collapsed and a lot of things happened. Years are passed and I am still obsessed with music. Meanwhile I have won a competition (ARD in Munich) and have at times received critical praise. Other times the critics have not been pleased. In Munich I found a new love: chamber music. For 15 years I’ve been a ”hyperactive” chamber musician, spending my free time learning the new repertoire and listening to the music. Of course, when given the chance, I started my own festival. Every spring when the festival starts, those are the brightest days of the year for me.

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