In the mid-nineteenth century, Europeappeared to be on the verge of a GoldenAge of choral music. There was an astonishingresurgence everywhere of music for men’s andwomen’s voices and for mixed choirs. From asearly as 1810, singing clubs, choral societies andLiedertafel (song-tables) shot up like mushroomsin Berlin, Leipzig, Frankfurt, Cologne andVienna. The best-known was the Liedertafelstarted up in 1808 by Mendelssohn’s teacherCarl Friedrich Zelter, who was leader of thechoral tradition that flourished in the nineteenthcentury has lost none of its strength. Accordingto statistics, no less than ten percent of its ninemillion inhabitants sing in a choir. Värmland,the western province of Sweden, even has areputation for its astronomical number of fivehundred choirs! A large part of the repertoireconsists of old Swedish folk songs, a culturalheritage that came to enjoy renewed and stronginterest in the nineteenth century. Composershave since arranged them for choir, often in anaccessible, neo-Romantic folk-song style and instrophic form. But songs were also adapted in acontemporary style and for all sorts of ensembles.One of the most familiar names in this respect is that of Hugo Alfvén, the foremost Swedish composer of the twentieth century. He becameknown for his furtherance of Swedish choral music and folk songs in Europe, and for his five post-Romantic symphonies and the Swedishrhapsody Midsommarvaka (1904). On the present recording, traditional Swedish folk songs are combined with contemporary choral music.Most of the pieces are Swedish, but Denmark (Jörgen Jersild) and Finland (Jaakko Mäntyjärvi) are also represented.
Please note that the below previews are loaded as 44.1 kHz / 16 bit.Total time: 01:16:03
Additional information
Label | |
SKU | 32812 |
Qualities | |
Channels | |
Artists | |
Composers | Alfven, Ericson, Hillborg, Jersild, Lundmark, Mantyjarvi, Sandstrom, Wikander |
Genres | |
Cables | van den Hul T3 series |
Digital Converters | Grimm A/D DSD / Meitner DA |
Mastering Engineer | Jared Sacks |
Mastering Equipment | B&W 803 diamond series |
Microphones | Bruel & Kjaer, Schoeps |
Mixing Board | Rens Heijnis custom design |
Awards | |
Conductors | |
Instruments | |
Original Recording Format | |
Producer | Hein Dekker |
Recording Engineer | Hein Dekker, Jared Sacks |
Recording location | Stockholm Sweden 2012 |
Recording Software | Pyramix bij Merging |
Recording Type & Bit Rate | DSD64 |
Speakers | Audiolab, Holland |
Release Date | January 25, 2014 |
Press reviews
Hogeschool koorzang en -werken. Wat een prachtig opgenomen SuperAudio CD. Uit de kunst! (…) Spatgelijk en spatzuiver.
Nordic Sounds 2 is thrilling because it features Peter Dijkstra conducting the superb Swedish Radio Choir in a dizzyingly eclectic program of folk music and contemporary choral works from each of the Nordic countries. (…) The contemporary works are daring and push all the boundaries of choral music, but each piece is absolutely accessible. (…) To say the performance of the Swedish Radio Choir is superb is an understatement. (…) The Channel Classics engineers make some consistently excellent recordings and Nordic Voices 2 is one of their best. (…)You must get this album if you care about state-of-the-choral-art music and performances.
International Record Review
The timbral and rhythmic precision of he performances does not prevent the singing from projecting a genuinely human warmth. The choir is res[ponsive to the wide variety of styles represented here; one senses the singers’ enjoyment. (…) this SACD sounds very good indeed.
Er bestaan weinig grotere genoegens dan samen zingen. Goede koren zoals het Zweeds Radio Koor zijn in staat die bescheiden extase ook voor luisteraars te ontsluiten. (…)
Het Parool
Hoe zeer hij (Peter Dijkstra) zijn koor inspireert tot grootse daden, is ook weer te horen op Nordic Sounds 2, een nieuwe verzameling prachtige koorwerken van Zweedse componisten, aangevuld met een verdwaalde Deen en Fin. (…) ontroerende muziek (…) uitersten van vocale beheersing.
Audiophile Audition
deliciously intoxicating in its varied and vivacious performances, the 33-member Swedish Radio Choir in glorious form supported by a finely-honed surround sound cloud that presents them in the very best light. An easy choice for choral aficionados, and others like it as well.
American Record Guide
The program comes to its magical end with an absolutely stunning rendition of Anders Hillborg’s shimmering, wordless Muoayiyaoum…Their peerless technical perfection, interpretive acumen, and incredible vocal versatility make this choir – and this release – extra-special. And, ah, the SOUND! (…)
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